Free Marketing Advice from The DofM

Marketing your business means increased brand awareness, lead generation, and revenue. So that must mean that free marketing advice means free money?

How to Position Yourself and Find Your Business’s Niche on Social Media

In today’s world, most markets are saturated. As you try to set your company apart, especially on social media, how can you stand out from the status quo? Here is the path to get started.

Google's Search Engine Results Page: What Does it All Mean and How Can It Help My Business?

Google is the world’s top search engine, with over 5.6 billion searches per day. We can find out...

SEO & AEO: Unlocking the Future of Search

As technology evolves, so do businesses' methods to connect with potential customers. One prime...

SEO & Social Media: The Power of Video Content in Modern Marketing

In the fast-paced digital landscape of today, where attention spans are dwindling, video content...

5 Questions to Ask Your Marketing Team to Ensure Business Alignment

As the world - and business in particular - increasingly moves online, marketing departments and...

Why It’s (Past) Time to Make Your Website Responsive

Your website is one of the most important marketing tools for your business. Yet millions of...

What Makes Some Voices More Pleasing Than Others?

When you hear certain voices, the sound may be pleasing or bothersome to your ears. It's hard to...

How Do You Position Yourself as an Expert in Your Field?

When you're an expert in a particular area, it makes sense that you would want to share your...

Did Video Kill the Radio Star (Radio stats)?

Music has had significant cultural influence across the globe for centuries. Beforerecording...

Amateur vs. Professional Video

Video content is just about everywhere you look, whether you're watching TV or surfing the...

Instagram Influencer Marketing Explained

I had a training call with an Instagram Influencer yesterday. This young entrepreneur had...

Local Television Spots Produce Results

At first glance, it might seem that purchasing a local television spot is an expensive venture for...

Print is Not Dead. Long Live Print!

Once upon a time, long long ago, a caveman scratched a message on a stone wall. And just like...

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