Posts about Marketing Strategy

SEO & AEO: Unlocking the Future of Search

As technology evolves, so do businesses' methods to connect with potential customers. One prime example is the world of search engine optimization (SEO), a well-established practice to boost a website's visibility on platforms like Google. However, the digital landscape is continually shifting. The new player that’s catching everyone’s attention is Answer Engine Optimization (AEO). In today's newsletter, we'll delve into these two fascinating...

5 Questions to Ask Your Marketing Team to Ensure Business Alignment

As the world - and business in particular - increasingly moves online, marketing departments and...

What Makes Some Voices More Pleasing Than Others?

When you hear certain voices, the sound may be pleasing or bothersome to your ears. It's hard to...

How Do You Position Yourself as an Expert in Your Field?

When you're an expert in a particular area, it makes sense that you would want to share your...

Did Video Kill the Radio Star (Radio stats)?

Music has had significant cultural influence across the globe for centuries. Beforerecording...

Instagram Influencer Marketing Explained

I had a training call with an Instagram Influencer yesterday. This young entrepreneur had...

Local Television Spots Produce Results

At first glance, it might seem that purchasing a local television spot is an expensive venture for...

Is Your Website Having a Midlife Crisis?

How Often Should You Update Your Website? 

Should You Hire a Marketing Team In-house or Outsource?

Many business owners struggle with this question at one time or another. As a business grows and...

Marketing Your Business In Your Local Community

Consumers choose small or local businesses for the personalized experience that they receive...

Metcalfe's Law and Its Correlation to Social Media

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Metcalfe's Law states that "the effect of a ...

Fishing for Leads: Creating Conversions Through Online Messaging Efforts

Many businesses know that forward-facing messaging is key for potential clients and customers if...

QR Codes Are Back…Whether You Like Them or Not

Did you know that QR codes have been around for nearly 30 years? In fact, they were developed in...

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