You Learn Something New Every Day: Fun Facts We Now Know Thanks to Our Incredible Clients

There are many things we love about marketing, but one of the best parts of our job is getting to work with each of our wonderful clients. Sometimes we learn from watching or just talking to them, other times we learn from researching different things for their blogs. Here are some cool things we’ve learned:

There are ways to help all around you! 

It’s easy to get caught up in thinking that finding a way to help others requires you to go far away. This year, thanks to Accentuate Staffing, we’ve learned that that isn’t anywhere close to the truth! There are ways to help right here in our community. Accentuate celebrated their 25th anniversary by living out their tagline “The Power of Positive.” They donated $5,000 to 5 different local charities including InterAct, Transitions LifeCare, Community of Hope, Backpack Buddies, and Frankie Lemmon. We were lucky enough to work with amazing team at Accentuate on a 25th-anniversary video campaign to help spread the word about how you can help. Learn more about how you can lend a hand here

More than 5 million teeth are knocked out every year. 

That’s right. That’s million. With an “M.”  Turns out it’s a really common dental emergency. If you knock your tooth out, you should stay calm and ensure that you stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. Next, pick up the tooth by the crown, don’t touch the roots. If possible, try to put the tooth back in the socket. If you can’t do that, put it in some milk to keep it moist until you can get to your dentist. We learned all of this while writing the Dental Care Center’s latest blog (and infographic!) about “How to Handle Dental Emergencies.” Check it out here.

You should have your eyes checked once a year. 

So maybe you knew you were supposed to go to the dentist twice a year but did you also know that you should go to your eye doctor once a year? Your prescription changes and you can suddenly need glasses or need a stronger prescription. Dry eye is actually a medical condition (and often accompanies digital eye strain – thanks computers) that can be effectively treated. And you should also be checked for eye diseases that only an eye doctor can see. We learned all this while working on The Eye Institutes’ monthly newsletter.

The world’s tallest elevator is 7,490 feet tall. 

This elevator is located in the Mponeng Gold Mine in South Africa and can take workers down in just three minutes. It can reach speeds up to 40 mph and can hold over 100 workers at once. As if this wasn’t crazy enough, there’s another elevator to take miners to a lower level which is another 4,000 feet below ground. Check out Godwin Elevators’ latest blog “3 Interesting Elevators You Probably Didn’t Know About” to learn more. (Extra fact: The tallest elevator inside a building is located inside the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It’s 1,654 ft long.)

The DofM is officially a Hubspot partner! 

Ok, this one’s a bit self-serving, we know. But, we are so excited to tell everyone that we have recently partnered with HubSpot (which means we can now help you partner with HubSpot.) Just think, you could have access to one of the leading CRMs (customer relationship systems) on the market. We’d love to tell you more about how we can help you grow your business with HubSpot, contact us today!

Not only are we helping our clients, but they’re constantly helping us learn new things, and pushing us to find new ways to improve our services. Have your own fun facts to share with the world? We can help you share them. 

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