Content Syndication: What It Is and How It Can Help

If you've searched online endlessly for the answer to what the heck content syndication is and what it can even do to help your business, well then, you've come to the right place. And before you ask, no, we didn't syndicate this piece, but we'll explain what that means more in a minute.

What Is Content Syndication?

Content syndication is the act of republishing the same piece of content, with permission, on one or multiple websites. The type of marketing content can include infographics or articles. This practice differs from guest posting because a guest post is an entirely new piece of content created by another individual, while content syndication is the same work in a new location. As a user, you can tell when a website has syndicated a piece because it may state the creator and what site originally posted the content. It may also include a link to the original piece.

How Can Content Syndication Help Grow My Business?

Using content syndication in your content marketing can help your business grow because it allows your content to reach a larger target audience. You can use third parties that have a larger audience that you want to reach. There are also syndication platforms which you can explore to get your content to reach more potential leads for your business. In your content marketing plans, this strategy can also help increase organic traffic to your own site when users click on the links of the syndicated articles.

As long as your content remains high quality and consistent, your brand authority, brand recognition, and online presence can continue to grow when you syndicate your content. When you do this, as a brand, you can reach out to larger and more established brands to see if they'll syndicate your content. This is especially true if your brand is in a crowded industry, and the more you place your content in other areas online, the more it helps to bring your brand to the forefront.

Tips for Adding Content Syndication to Your Overall Marketing Strategy

If you want to improve your overall business marketing strategy, content syndication is the way to go. Here are a couple of tips to help you improve your ability to syndicate.

The More You Syndicate, the Better

The more sites you share your content with, the more likely your visibility is going to increase. You can syndicate your content on multiple sites at one time. Some sites are free; on others you have to pay to have your content placed on the site. There are a few types of syndication sites for you to consider:

  • Multi-author publications.
  • Blog platforms.
  • Syndication networks.
  • Social media or social networking platforms.

Timing Is Everything

Another point to consider when you're syndicating your content is timing or when to do it. Understanding the timing of it all is important because if you wait until just the right time, you can enjoy the benefits of increased traffic and visibility. For example, you can share your content with other platforms that rank similarly to you on the search engine results page (SERP). However, if your piece isn't ranking high, wait for it to increase before reaching out to syndicate it. This way, you may avoid the syndicated version outranking your original post.

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