Free Marketing Advice from The DofM

7 Things We’ve Learned from Our Clients While Doing Marketing

Written by George Wallace | Aug 26, 2020 12:00:00 PM

One of the best parts about working at a Raleigh marketing agency is that you meet a lot of different, amazing people. Our clients from a variety of industries, which means we learn a lot about several topics. We thought it would be fun to share some of the wisdom we’ve gained while marketing those companies. 

Check out these seven useful things we’ve learned. 

You need a Will — now.

Adulting isn’t fun, and getting a Will set up is one thing we’ll “get around to” eventually. But our friends at Kelly & West in Lillington, NC, have seen it so often: people who pass away suddenly and never created a Will. They have a neat video explaining what happens, and, in short, it’s a massive pain in the tuckus for your family to manage. So find yourself an excellent lawyer to get you a Will.  

Flat roofs aren’t actually flat!

 Well, you might have guessed that one. But yes, a flat roof has a slight slope so the rain will still fall off. You don’t want water puddling on your roof, after all. See our friend Jeff at Bond Roofs next time you have a roof question. 

Containers don’t make you organized.

People often think containers are the answer to “getting organized,” but it’s not true. Our friend Janice Russell helps people get organized, especially those who are going through life transitions. She has a fantastic set of credentials and years of training and experience working with Traumatic Brain Injuries, ADD and ADHD, and more. The container myth is pretty standard, thanks to stores that can’t wait to sell us more stuff, but organizing is really about figuring out what systems work for you. 

A grinder is not really different from a sub.

You can call a sandwich many things, and the word you use probably reflects where you’re from. In the Northeast, they often say “grinder,” so that’s why you’ll see these yummy concoctions on the menu at Rudino’s

Planning a vacation can feel like work.

So much for relaxing! Actually, we did know this one already, because George and Jennifer have both helped plan multi-generational family trips. What a headache: dealing with people coming from separate places, picky eaters, specific hotel requirements, and the list goes on. Next time, we’ll skip it thanks to Maupin Travel

The A/C needs maintenance.

Jennifer learned this one the hard way. A broken AC sure costs a LOT more to fix — and it always happens on the hottest day of the year in Raleigh. Good thing we know an AC person. Next time, get a maintenance plan. That way, you know someone will check on it, replace coils and tubes (or whatever is it they do), and refill fluids. Bonus thing we learned: your home’s air ducts are filthy! Get them cleaned. 

Finding a new job isn’t easy.

Well, we knew this too, so I guess that’s cheating. We’re not looking for a job, but many people we know are certainly in that boat right now. We’re happy to refer our friends at Barfield Revenue Consulting and Accentuate Staffing. They can help. Tell them The DofM sent you! 

Marketing means becoming part of your business and learning as much as we can about it. We can’t wait to see what neat things we learn next. Contact us if you need help in your department of marketing.